Carlos Gutiérrez-Maturana-Larios Altuna
Carlos Gutiérrez-Maturana-Larios AltunaChief Executive Officer
Degree in Law and Economics from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE). Madrid. Master in Business Administration (M.B.A). Instituto de Empresa. Madrid. Master in Law & Finances (LL.M Degree). Columbia Law School. New York. Founding Partner of GRUPO MAZACRUZ.
César Alberto Malabia Cuéllar
César Alberto Malabia CuéllarAgri-Food Director
Agricultural Engineer, specialising in mixed farming. General Manager of Dehesa de Los Llanos and Agri-Food Director of the Mazacruz Group since 2023.
Angel Esparcia Ortega
Angel Esparcia OrtegaAssistant to the Agri-Food Director
Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer. He has been linked to Dehesa de los Llanos for more than 40 years (1976) and has held various positions of responsibility in the Administration, Human Resources and Legal Services departments.
Miguel Tebas Villanueva
Miguel Tebas VillanuevaAgriculture Area
Agricultural foreman responsible for the agricultural area of Dehesa de Los Llanos since 2024
Ramón Peral Sarrión
Ramón Peral SarriónHunting Area
He has been part of the Dehesa de Los Llanos team for more than 20 years (1996), occupying various positions of responsibility.
Francisca Cruz Gil
Francisca Cruz GilCheese Factory
Agricultural Engineer from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Responsible for the cheese-making area and master cheesemaker at Dehesa de Los Llanos since 2008. Winner of several international competitions that have made Gran Reserva not only the best cheese in the world but also the most awarded cheese.
Carlos López Candel
Carlos López CandelLivestock Area
Certificate of Higher Education in livestock farm management. Responsible for the livestock area since 2023.