the history of dehesa los llanos in Albacete

Just 5 km from Albacete, with an area of 10,000 hectares and as a single estate since the seventeenth century, is Dehesa de Los Llanos. In Dehesa de Los Llanos history is mixed with legend. Over the centuries the estate has become one of the main meeting points in the economic, social, cultural and religious life of Albacete. Its lands have been, from a place of pilgrimage and pilgrimage, Franciscan convent and seat of the Albacete fair, to the residence of the Marquis of Salamanca, the Marquis of Larios and the Marquis of Paul.

Legend has it that the Virgin of Los Llanos, patron saint of the city of Albacete, appeared here. From this moment on this was a destination for pilgrimages and pilgrimages.

In the year 1647, a congregation of Franciscan monks was established in Dehesa de Los Llanos, who dedicated themselves to agriculture and cattle raising, as well as creating intense commercial relations. Once the lands were expropriated, with the disentailment of Mendizábal, they ended up in the hands of the Marquis of Salamanca, who personally insisted on their acquisition, since these lands had an important meaning for him. The presence of the Marquis of Salamanca coincided with one of the moments of maximum splendor of Dehesa de Los Llanos. Time passed, and the Marquis of Salamanca fell into ruin. In 1893 José Aurelio Larios Larios bought the estate and since then it has remained a family property. In 1974 it became part of the Sociedad La Humosa SA, which grouped all the agricultural activities of the family, and in 1993 it became part of the Mazacruz Group, to which it still belongs today.

the history of dehesa los llanos in Albacete


Original photo by Jaime Bleda. Year 1928.

In Dehesa de Los Llanos, since 1893.