the history of dehesa los llanos in Albacete

Since the time of the Marquis of Salamanca, Dehesa de Los Llanos has been recognized and highly valued for the variety of its native fauna, and many illustrious personalities have enjoyed hunting on its lands.

During the time of the Marquis of Salamanca, the first partridge hunting in Spain began. Big game and small game, among which the native red-legged partridge stands out, to which every care and attention is devoted: from the limitation of agricultural and livestock activities during the breeding periods, to the installation of a network of feeders and waterers, as well as the distribution of the farm plots: irrigated, dry and mountain crops alternate and combine with each other, favoring their nesting and development.

the history of dehesa los llanos in Albacete
the history of dehesa los llanos in Albacete

These conditions also favor the presence of other protected steppe species such as sandgrouse, little bustards and great bustards in the Dehesa. In addition, in Dehesa de Los Llanos you can find: wood pigeon, quail, rabbit and hare, among others.

The hunt, heart of Dehesa de Los Llanos