In order to comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the general information of the site is indicated below:


The ownership of the web site belongs to DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS S.L., (hereinafter, DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS).

In compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of the LSSICE DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS informs that it is a company registered in the Mercantile Register of Albacete, Volume 562, Book 326 Folio 191, Section 8, Sheet AB-7618 and provided with NIF number B-02253961, with registered office at Ctra. de Peñas de San Pedro Km 5,5 – Apartado de correos nº 8 – 02080 Albacete, Spain, with telephone number 967 243 100. Our e-mail address for contact is and our fax number is 34 967 243 093.


The website is offered for information purposes in relation to the activity carried out by the company, as well as to facilitate and manage the sale of products online. Any person accessing this website assumes the figure of User, committing to the observance and strict compliance with all indications detailed in the legal texts of the website, as well as in any other legal provision that may be applicable.


In the case of links to third party sites, the user will be governed by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the new website, accepting that DEHESA D LOS LLANOS will not be responsible or have any legal obligation for the use of such sites. Nevertheless, in the case that DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS has effective knowledge about the illicitness of contents included in such links to third party websites, DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS will immediately eliminate the links and will communicate this circumstance to the competent authorities.


All trademarks, logos, commercial names, distinctive signs, services, contents, texts, photographs, graphics, images, software, links and information of any kind that appear on this website are protected by copyright, and therefore may not be reproduced, distributed, publicly communicated, transformed or modified without express authorization.


You can consult all the information on how we treat your data by accessing our Privacy Policy.


A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the user’s computer when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, store and retrieve information about browsing habits of a user or your computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, could be used to recognize the user. You can consult the information on the type of cookies not necessary for navigation that we use by accessing our Cookies Policy.


DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS, has implemented and maintains the highest levels of security to protect the User’s personal data against accidental loss and unauthorized access, processing or disclosure, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.

A primary objective of DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS, is that the security protocols and systems implemented allow the proper functioning of the website, its features and services, preserving the integrity of the data and information stored. The services are provided with the own technological resources of the website and sometimes by third parties that have the necessary security measures to ensure the impossibility of unauthorized access according to the current ordinary technique and technology. DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS, aims that the user of the website has a satisfactory and safe experience when browsing the web and using its services, so it only works with suppliers of reputable track record and technical solvency that allow compliance with current legal security regulations, to prevent loss, misuse or access by unauthorized persons.

Nevertheless, the transmission of information through Internet is not always totally safe; for that reason, and in spite of the fact that DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS, makes its best efforts to protect the User’s data, it cannot guarantee the total security of the same ones during the transit to the Web site. Once received the User’s data, DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS, will use rigorous procedures and security functions to prevent any unauthorized access.


DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS, disclaims all liability arising from:

  • Interruptions in the normal operation of the website due to force majeure, as well as causes not attributable to DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS, and that cause that the web service is not fully or partially operational.

  • The unauthorized use by third parties of the user name and password of our customers due to lack of diligence in the custody by them.

  • The use of incorrect or false data by our customers, including errors that our customers may have made when registering and those arising from the failure to update the data by the customer.


DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS, reserves the right to modify this Legal Notice according to its criteria, or because of a change in legislation, jurisprudence or business practice. If DEHESA DE LOS LLANOS introduces any modification, the new text will be published in this same page, where the user will be able to have knowledge of the modifications. In any case, the relationship with the Users will be governed by the rules provided at the precise moment in which the website is accessed.