the history of dehesa los llanos in Albacete

It is the basis of the Dehesa de Los Llanos agri-food project. It provides the feed for the sheep that produce the Best Cheese in the World and is the origin of the rest of the products that are marketed under the philosophy of bringing the best of our land directly to your table.

Of the estate’s 10,000 hectares, more than half are dedicated to rainfed and irrigated crops, determined by the extreme continental climate of La Mancha and the scarcity of water in the area.

Since the 19th century, Dehesa de Los Llanos has always been at the forefront of the application of irrigation techniques. Today, we apply modern drip and pivot irrigation technologies, including the longest in Europe at 725 meters in length.

Among our crops are: potatoes, onions, poppy, alfalfa, wheat, corn, vines, walnut trees, olive trees, cherries and aromatic plants, responsible for the personal touch of all Dehesa de Los Llanos products.

the history of dehesa los llanos in Albacete

The Secret of a Great Cheese? To pamper our raw material.